Brett Gardner, Learning Area Leader
Health and PE News - Year 7 & 9
20 March 2024

Year 9 Self Defence

Since early March the Year 9s have been learning skills associated with Self Defence. This started with discussions about ‘knowing your surroundings’ and being aware of situations you may be exposed to. Always remembering that the most important part of Self Defence is avoiding any conflict in the first place.

The students have picked up many defensive skills and are being practically tested in their final session of the term, which will highlight what they have learned.

Michelle & Kathryn from Macedon Ranges Taekwondo & Self Defence have done a wonderful job with our Year 9s, and we thank them very much for their efforts.

Students were asked to have a conversation with their parents/guardians about what they believe is the most important response to an attack, how to be aware of what is happening around them, ask if they ever been worried about a situation or place they have been in the past, and if they have personally been in a difficult situation or maybe someone they know has been ‘approached or assaulted’. These conversations, although may be a bit confrontational, are aimed to promote awareness and provide learning opportunities. These conversations offer the following outcomes;

  1.  Get the kids talking with parents which raises awareness around self defence, avoiding situations and how parents can help support them. Reiterating that self defence is 90% awareness and 10% fighting back. Remembering that ‘fighting back’ isn’t always a physical confrontation, it could be in the form of ‘yelling’ and gaining other people’s attention to support you.
  2. That if they did need to fight back anything past stopping the initial threat could potentially see them being charged with assault and what their parents’ thoughts are on this. Both Kathryn and Michelle have said their personal belief is to fight back to save yourself regardless. We would rather pick up kids from the police station from appropriately defending themselves, not the hospital or worse. 
  3. A lot of students (people in general) think it won’t happen to them (hopefully it never does), but better to be aware than dismissive. Being from a rural area/being a good person etc doesn’t stop an attack - sometimes it’s just that you are in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Year 7 Physical Education

I would like to congratulate the Year 7s who have started the year so well in HPE lessons. Everyone is keen and eager to get involved in all activities. We started the year with some initiative games, followed by Volleyball, Cricket and some Athletics events to finish the term.

I am sure they are looking forward to next term’s activities which are Athletics, Orienteering, Jui Jitsu, Netball and minor games. Have a lovely Easter break everyone.

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