Parent Engagement Partnership
Prospectus SCROLL

At Sacred Heart College we value our partnerships formed between families, the College and Community. Our intention is to support parents/carers/guardians while raising awareness of the benefits of engaging in their child’s education. Studies have shown that a family’s engagement has a direct, positive impact on a child’s learning success.

The aim of the Sacred Heart College’s Parent Engagement Partnership is to strengthen the collaboration between school, families and the broader community by providing Professional Learning through quality presenters on a variety of current educational topics. These opportunities can provide parents with knowledge, strategies and skills to support their child.

Parent Engagement is one of the best strategies to create a positive learning environment for all students, where home and school come together as a team. When families are engaged in their children’s school lives, students have the home support they need to develop a lifelong love of learning.

As a result, we believe that this partnership can create a more effective network of support for our students, harnessing the full capacity of the community to support student learning and enhance student outcomes in all facets of their lives.

We invite all parents in the Community to our Parent Engagement Evenings in 2024

Bookings are essential.  Try-Booking will open closer to the dates of these events and a link will be available on this page.

Parent Engagement Event - Bree Gorman

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

This presentation offers an opportunity for a broad conversation about inclusiveness and equity.
It will also provide information to support parents when answering their children’s questions around LGBTIQA+.

Tuesday 6 August, 7pm

Click here to book
2024 Parent Engagement Events  Date
Bree Gorman  - Diversity, Equity and Inclusion 7:00pmTuesday 6 August

Maria O'Shannessy - The Parent Coach, Parenting Workshop (limited to 30 people) 6:30pm - 8:30pm

Wednesday 13 November 

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