The simple prayer today is taken from Caritas Australia’s Ash Wednesday liturgy for 2024. Next Wednesday 14 February marks the commencement of Lent in the Catholic Church’s liturgical year. This important season challenges all faithful Christians to journey through the 40 days up until Easter observing three practices: Prayer, Abstinence and Almsgiving. In our contemporary world, each of these is counter-cultural and challenges the prevailing culture of self-interest and consumerism. Sacred Heart College will mark Ash Wednesday on Tuesday next week given the school’s Swimming Carnival is to be held on the Wednesday.
A warm welcome to the 2024 school year for all members of the Sacred Heart College community and a special one to all our new families. Last Friday, the College welcomed 180 new students at Year 7 as well as twelve new students across Years 8 – 12. These additional students brought the school’s enrolment to 851 which is the highest in my principalship.
First Week Activities for Year 7
This year, the College has introduced a longer and more comprehensive Transition program for our Year 7 students as they make the fundamental move from primary to secondary school education. The program includes activities focused on developing homeroom spirit, promoting new friendships as well as getting to know the geography and procedures of the school. The program culminates with a visit to the Kyneton Botanic Gardens on Thursday and the Splash Aquatic Centre in Craigieburn today. Scroll down to see the great photos from this week.
Last Monday, the College welcomed a number of new and returning staff:
New Staff Member |
Responsibilities |
Mary-Anne Bratovic |
English and Religious Education |
Samantha Darby |
Administration team |
Michelle Griffiths |
Humanities and Religious Education |
Anna Higgs |
Administration team |
Lydia Lawrence |
English and Religious Education |
Claire Perston |
Mathematics |
Maria Slater |
English and Religious Education |
We also welcome back Liz Sullivan to the Arts teaching team after twelve-months leave.
Holiday Works
Notwithstanding periods of stormy weather, the Christmas/New Year period saw significant improvement works across our beautiful Sacred Heart College buildings and grounds. These included:
Sacred Heart College Camps Program
Earlier this week, I emailed all parents, guardians and carers a letter detailing changes to the College’s camps program. Broadly, these changes will transition the school to a camps program focused at Years 7 – 9 and retreats/reflection days at Years 10 – 12. The changes will occur over the next three years from 2024 – 2026.
A copy of the letter can be accessed here.
2024 College Handbook
The College Handbook is available to download in this edition of the Newsletter. It includes a comprehensive guide to many important aspects of Sacred Heart College. These include:
· History and Governance
· Structure of the school day
· Liturgies and social justice
· Student Wellbeing and Support
· Student Learning
· Communication – PAM, notifications, etc
· General Information
This document is also available at anytime on PAM - under Documentation for Families, and on the College Website under Enrol with Us.
Parent Involvement – College Advisory Council and College Finance Committee
Two important groups that support the operations of Sacred Heart College are the College Advisory Council and the College Finance Committee. I am looking for additional members for each committee with the departure of some longstanding members. A summary of the responsibilities of each group (as detailed by Mercy Education) is included below:
I would welcome expressions of interest for either group from interested parents with appointments at the discretion of the Principal. Membership of each group is normally for two year cycles with two or three cycles preferred. Interested parents are invited to email the Principal’s Assistant, Loretta Hanns (
College Tours
College tours provide an excellent opportunity for prospective as well as current families to be shown around the school and see Sacred Heart College in action. Our College Tours run every few weeks and can be booked via the College website ( under the Enrolment tab. Tours are led by Sacred Heart College students and the College Principal and take around 90 minutes.
The first tour is scheduled for Tuesday 20 February at 9.15am.
Bereavements - Your prayers are asked for the Ojansuu family who are mourning the passing of Annikki Ojansuu, grandmother of Oliver Year 10. Our thoughts are with your family at this sad time.
Yours in Mercy,
Dr Darren Egberts
Darren was appointed Principal of Sacred Heart College in January 2019. Darren has had almost 30 years experience in teaching and leadership across a number of Victorian Catholic secondary schools. These include eight years as Principal of Mercy Regional College, Camperdown; nine years as Deputy Principal and Director of Mission at Mount Lilydale Mercy College; seven years as a Chemistry, Religious Education and Science teacher as well as REC at Sacred Heart College, Geelong.
Darren has been committed to a lifetime of study and professional development. After completing his initial degree of Bachelor of Science and Graduate Diploma of Education at the University of Melbourne, he continued his study by completing a Graduate Diploma of Religious Education, a Masters of Religious Education and a Doctor of Education, all at Australian Catholic University. In 2018, Darren participated in the Enhancing Catholic School Identity programme in Leuven, Belgium.
Darren has a deep and passionate affiliation with the Mercy tradition and charism and believes that Mercy schools must be “…committed to holistic education; determined to ensure that each student flourishes academically, spiritually, emotionally, socially and physically”.
The purpose of the Catholic school is to provide “… an authentic Christian education, where students are called to embrace the essence of the Gospels, to flourish as whole human persons” and “… to provide exemplary learning experiences for the students who attend”.
Darren was appointed Principal of Sacred Heart College in January 2019. Darren has had almost 30 years experience in teaching and leadership across a number of Victorian Catholic secondary schools. These include eight years as Principal of Mercy Regional College, Camperdown; nine years as Deputy Principal and Director of Mission at Mount Lilydale Mercy College; seven years as a Chemistry, Religious Education and Science teacher as well as REC at Sacred Heart College, Geelong.
Darren has been committed to a lifetime of study and professional development. After completing his initial degree of Bachelor of Science and Graduate Diploma of Education at the University of Melbourne, he continued his study by completing a Graduate Diploma of Religious Education, a Masters of Religious Education and a Doctor of Education, all at Australian Catholic University. In 2018, Darren participated in the Enhancing Catholic School Identity programme in Leuven, Belgium.
Darren has a deep and passionate affiliation with the Mercy tradition and charism and believes that Mercy schools must be “…committed to holistic education; determined to ensure that each student flourishes academically, spiritually, emotionally, socially and physically”.
The purpose of the Catholic school is to provide “… an authentic Christian education, where students are called to embrace the essence of the Gospels, to flourish as whole human persons” and “… to provide exemplary learning experiences for the students who attend”.