Debra McNaughton
Deputy Principal - Learning and Teaching
08 February 2024

We will celebrate the success of our high achieving VCE and VCAL students from 2023 in our Awards Assembly next week. As always, we applaud the diligence of these young people who are now beginning tertiary study, apprenticeships, or the world of work.

Of course what matters most is that students have the results that they need to pursue the careers of their choice. Here are the destinations chosen by our graduating class after the first round of tertiary offers:

Destinations of 2023 graduating students:

Here are the courses that students have selected to study. As you can see, the range is vast and varied:

Instrumental Music Reports

Please note that we will no longer include reports from the private lessons that are conducted by instrumental music teachers. Instead, instrumental music staff will touch base with parents either via phone or face-to-face after an event to discuss the students’ progress and outcomes each semester. Classroom music will be reported in the same way as all other subjects are.

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