Clara Sheridan and Kate Noonan
Tomorrow Man/Tomorrow Woman Program
27 March 2024

On Thursday 21 March students in Years 10 and 11 attended the 'Tomorrow Man/Tomorrow Woman' Program. The program focused on a variety of different things and focused on gender stereotypes that women are faced with. We created a list, and discussed how to combat the negative things on that list. We also did some other team building activities which posed particular questions, and in response we would either walk towards the line, stay still or walk backwards away from the line depending on the answer to a question. Another activity we completed was responding to what we thought it meant to be brave, and how we thought we could improve personally in being that 'little bit braver'.

The 'Tomorrow Woman' Program has really helped students by making us feel more comfortable with ourselves and others. We were able to talk about how certain stereotypes or situations make us feel, and connect with our classmates. We spoke about how we felt about these types of things, and asked questions to get to know each other better. We learned that we don't always have to use our voices to be heard, and that we don't have to follow the stereotypes women face, we should love who we are and embrace our differences.

'Tomorrow Woman' left us all feeling more empowered, confident and comfortable with who we are. We all felt closer and made new connections and friendships as a result of the program. The experience was truly indescribable. We left feeling more assured that we were all in the same boat and weren’t experiencing anything alone.  
Clara Sheridan and Kate Noonan

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