Andrea Knight - Debating Coordinator
Debating Term One Wrap Up
26 March 2024

Debating Term One Wrap Up

On Tuesday 26 March, Charisma Taylor from the Debaters Association of Victoria (DAV) attended Sacred Heart and delivered fantastic training to our Years 7 to 9 debating students.

This training focussed on debating case preparation and rebuttals. We participated in a variety of group activities. It was lots of fun and our students took away some very practical debating tips.

Term One has been a busy term for our senior debaters, participating in the Ballarat regional debating competition at Ballarat and Anglican Grammar School. Term Two will see the continuation of this competition. Thus far, we have debated the following topics:

  • That schools should ban contact sports.
  • That Victoria should cancel the Suburban Rail Loop.

Sacred Heart has registered seven students across Year 7 to Year 10 in the DAV online junior and intermediate public speaking competition.

Year 7 students have a choice of topics. Students must prepare a 4 to 5 minute speech on one of the following prompts. This speech must be persuasive in nature.

  • Beating the odds.
  • Where to next?
  • The natural world.

Years 8 to 10 students are presenting on a topic of their choice. This speech must also be persuasive in nature. Our students will be preparing their speeches over the term break.

In Term Three, our junior debaters will have the opportunity to attend the DAV junior debating program (JSP). The JSP is an introduction to debating for junior secondary students in Years 7 and 8 who have not participated in the DAV school’s competition. The program is designed to provide training in the basic skills and structure of debating whilst also giving students an opportunity to participate in three 'friendly' inter-school debates.

I would like to thank our students for their dedication to debating this term. I would also like to thank Ms Lydia Lawrence for her wonderful support.

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