Sam Weir - Director of Faith and Mission
Caritas Ks - Project Compassion
01 March 2024

Our annual Caritas Ks campaign has begun in earnest, with Year 7 students participating in this event as part of their Reflection Day. Across the week, all Year 7 Home Groups will take part in a Caritas Ks activity, whereby they are invited to carry 4L of water for at least 1km, in solidarity with those who must walk long distances each day to collect drinking water. We are always impressed with the good humour and spirit that our Year 7s bring to the event, with many choosing to walk (or run!) much further than the 1km minimum. We also appreciate the support of family members and friends, who sponsor the efforts of our Year 7s by making donations to Caritas Australia’s Project Compassion campaign on their behalf.

If you would like to donate to the Project Compassion Campaign please click this link:

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