Annual Athletics Carnival
18 May 2021

Wednesday 12 May saw the College community take a bus ride to the Bendigo Athletics Centre for the Annual Athletics Carnival. The carnival was held in perfect, sunny conditions with a range of track and field plus novelty events on offer. Hopefully, this gave all students a chance to get involved.

This year Nightingale is to be congratulated for finishing on top. Well done on a fantastic effort!

Congratulations also to our age champions and the group of talented athletes who will have the opportunity to represent the College at the next level of competition. It is an amazing achievement and I would like to wish you all the very best.

Finally, a big THANK YOU to the Year 12’s whose costumes transformed our carnival into a rainbow of colour. We hope you enjoyed your last Athletics Carnival and created some special memories too!

Mikayla , Senior Sports Captain

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